Horseshoe Cottage


Given the current circumstances in relation to the ongoing Covid-19 situation we would like to offer our reassurance that every measure has been considered with our guests safety in mind for the duration of their stay with us here, at the Ore Valley Holiday Cottages. In order for this to be fully effective we will be asking for co-operation to ensure our guidelines are followed, for the safety of all those staying in these cottages.

Please see the enclosed risk assessment which details our commitment to you, our guests, to ensure that from the moment you arrive any concerns you may have will already be addressed. We will be relying on our guests to co-operate with specific measures that we ask you to follow for the safety of others, this is detailed in Section 1(a) of the link to our risk assessment.

We are adhering to Government and Public Health guidelines in terms of hygiene protocols and social distancing measures which includes an extension to our strict practices of cleanliness between our guests stays so that you can rest assured that we have implemented these important actions to achieve the highest standards of hygiene in our cottages prior to your arrival.

Whilst we have made every effort not to impact on the comfort of our guests for the duration of your stay, we have had to put a few temporary measures in place to ensure maximum cleanliness and a reduction of risk. These are as follows;

  • Any additional soft furnishings, ornaments, non-essential items have been removed to enable thorough cleaning.
  • The laundry room is open for your convenience but please ensure you wash your hands before entering and departing, or wear disposable gloves.
  • Unfortunately our games room and play area will remain closed until we can feel confident in opening these areas safely for all of our guests.
Additional cleaning measures:
  • Cottages are disinfected by sanitised fogging by the cleaning team upon arrival, followed by a thorough clean (as detailed in the risk assessment), and then again immediately after their departure, so you can be certain that no other contact has been made within the cottage prior to your arrival.
  • Extra cleaning cloths, products and antibacterial spray have been provided for each cottage for your use, to maintain cleanliness throughout your stay.
  • All linen, bathroom and kitchen laundry is laundered to a minimum of 60 degrees to eliminate any bacteria and viruses.
Our requests to you:
  • Guests are required to depart at the end of their stay by 9am, and to arrive no earlier than 4pm, to allow sufficient time between lettings for the additional cleaning process to be completed between guests.
  • Prior to departure please ensure that the following measures have been carried out;

– leave windows open for additional ventilation

– remove all food and washroom materials from the property

– strip the bedding from each bed that has been used and place in one of the black bin liners provided and tie

– place laundry from the kitchen and bathroom(s) in one of the black bin liners provided and tie

– empty all waste bins within the cottage; kitchen, bathroom(s) and bedroom(s) and deposit into a black bin liner.    

  Place the waste in the appropriate bin located in our refuse area

– all items of crockery, cutlery, cooking utensils etc are to have been run through the dishwasher following use

  • Guests must be aware of current social distancing guidelines as stipulated by the Government and Public Health, at the time of your stay and ensure these are adhered whilst on site. Please be mindful of other guests at all times, particularly in relation to any outdoor communal areas and use of the laundry room.
  • If you, or any member of your party experience symptoms of Covid-19 you are required to comply with Government and Public Health guidelines and notify us immediately.

Although minimal face to face contact with our guests is currently in place, we will endeavour to be in touch during any stay with us, to ensure that all is well but please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions, requests or may require some local advice.

We appreciate your co-operation with these simple measures to keep other guests, cleaners and yourselves safe and able to enjoy a well deserved break. We hope that you will choose to book with us and we will continue to do our utmost to ensure our guests are able to have a very pleasant stay with us.